MySQL Upgrades 5.6 --> 5.7 - May Cause Minor Outages Tuesday 15th December 2020 01:45:00


The MySQL updates have been completed successfully.

Should you have any issues related to the update, please contact our support via LIveChat or Phone as listed on our website, or via email/support ticket.

The following servers are having MySQL version upgraded from 5.6 to 5.7 and may experience temporary, short outages during the update process.

hp267 hp269 hp270 hp272 hp273 hp274 hp277 hp280 hp286 hp287 hp288 hp292 hp293 hp294 hp302 hp303 hp305 hp315 hp86 hp88 hp96 hp99 r106 r108 r113 r114 r116 r117 r122

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. An update will be posted here when the work is complete.