All systems are operational

Past Incidents

30th July 2022

No incidents reported

29th July 2022

Web Hosting WCF01 - Network Connectivity Issues

FIXED: July/30/2022 10:20 AM EST

The issue has been resolved and WCF01 is operating normally again at this time.

Should you continue to have any issues, please contact our support team via LiveChat, Phone or Email/Support Ticket. You can find all our contact info at

Once again, thanks for your patience and comprehension.

ONGOING: July/30/2022 12:00 AM EST

Our Network Admins are still working continuously to resolve the issue with the connection as soon as possible.

We will post further updates as soon as they are made available.

INVESTIGATING: July/29/2022 05:30 PM EST

WCF01 is currently experiencing a networking issue and as such, services on this server may be affected and become inaccessible. Our Network Admins are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Further updates will be posted once available. We appreciate your patience.

28th July 2022

Basic Email Basic/Advanced Email Issues

FIXED: JUL/28/2022 05:35 PM EST

Our engineering team has fixed the issue. If you are still experiencing issues with your emails, please contact our Support team through Live Chat, Phone, or Email [email protected]

Thank you for your patience in this matter.


Some users may experience issues with inbound and outbound mail on PapaMail (Basic/Advanced Email). Our engineering team is investigating the issue.

We will provide an update once we have additional information. Thanks for your understanding.